Irrespective of the fact that Sildenafil and Avanafil medications are related to the same class of drugs which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in male patients, there are some key differences among them which we are going to discuss in this blog. Basic functionality of these tablets can be understood as the drugs from class of PDE5 inhibitors whose main function is to increase the flow of blood to the penis and region around it to facilitate better and longer erection in males. There are some key facts which separate these two medicines that we have researched for you to put it in this blog so that you can choose the right option as per the requirements.


It is a well-known fact that effectiveness of any tablet is very difficult to measure as it varies from person to person depending on a large number of facts like body composition, food habits, pre-medication and state of mind of the user. However, on the basis of several clinical trials and research programs, it has been found that in most patients, Avanafil acts faster as compared to Sildenafil.


Where the tablet of Sildenafil may take up to 60 minutes to show the effect on a patient, Avanafil may start acting in the body within 15 minutes. Once consumed, Sildenafil may last for 6 hours which is a smaller duration if compared to that of Avanafil which lasts up to 8 hours after consumption.


A tablet of Avanafil can be taken with or without meals because food does not affect its rate of absorption in the body of the user. On the contrary, Sildenafil if taken after a full fat meal may start to act after a longer duration than expected, as food slows the absorption rate of this medicine in the human body.


As we have already mentioned above, both of these tablets are used for the same treatment and also belong to same class of drugs, their side effects are also common in nature. Nasal congestion, mild headache, difficulty in digestion of food, flushes and dizziness are some common side effects of these two medicines. 


The dosage of Sildenafil starts generally from 50 mg per day and can be increased to 100 mg per day under the supervision of medical practitioner. On the other hand, a tablet of Avanafil is taken in the 100 mg dose form commonly, which can be increased up to 200 mg per day as per the needs and health condition of the user.


Whereas Sildenafil has got popular by the name of Viagra worldwide, Avanafil has gained popularity on the basis of its action mechanism which people love the most about. Avanafil is the need of every individual today who is suffering from erectile dysfunction because it acts faster if compared to other tablets in its class and at the same time it lasts longer than other medications as well.



Avanafil 100 mg tablet is used for curing impotency and related sexual issues like erectile dysfunction in male clients. The 100 mg dosage of this medication is used to treat problems linked to erection ranging from complete dysfunction to mild or severe sexual performance failure. Avanafil 100 mg acts as an inhibitor which improves the flow of blood to the penis, enabling the user to maintain an erection for a long duration in comparison to the erection time without using this medicine. Generally, Avanafil is available in 100mg or 200 mg dosage form. However, 100 mg tablet is most commonly used and is also popular worldwide. The results of taking this medicine may vary from user to user depending on their body composition. It is always advised to take precautions like using condoms even while using this tablet because a user may transmit sexual disease unknowingly.


Most usual side effects which may surface with the usage of Avanafil 100 mg tablet are erection for longer duration than expected, headache, dizziness, sounds or ringing in the ear and also loss of vision in rare cases. If any of these side effects becomes severe in nature, please seek medication for the treatment of the side effect by getting a prescription from a certified doctor.


If an overdose of Avanafil occurs, for example more than 200 mg of this medication within 24 hours, then some adverse results may be seen. If a patient cannot be awakened or is having breathing issues, please get in touch with a doctor and also call 911 to avoid any emergency medical situation from surfacing.


The consumption of grapefruit in any form is hazardous for the user of Avanafil 100 mg tablet. Also, it will be wise for the patient to disclose any other prior medication history to the doctor so that the results of using Avanafil 100 mg are seen as expected.


Various clinical trials and popularity of this medication worldwide has proven the effectiveness of this tablet time and again. If any person thinks otherwise, it will be better to consult a physician to make sure that the dosage of this medicine is adjusted according to their need and body composition.


Avanafil must be kept out of reach of children at all times. The tablet can be stored at room temperature where heat or moisture is not present.


This blog is designed to provide some useful information about Avanafil 100 mg tablet. However, we always advise the patient to get a prescription for this medicine from their doctor on the basis of their respective health condition and results they wish to get from its usage. Avanafil must not be used by women, children or any individual below 18 years of age. By far, this is the best medication for adult males fighting erectile dysfunction.

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